Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I'm blogging it out. Because deep inside my throat. S'why my snow night sucks.

Got sent home with strep today for the second time in two months. I have officially used up 7.5 of my 8 sick days, which were designated back in August for quiet luxurious mornings in which I call in "sick" and spend the rest of the day watching 90210 reruns on the couch, but have now been depleted in my part-time job of actually being really freaking sick all the time. I'm thinking about calling up my ENT and giving myself a tonsillectomy for a Christmas present but considering my luck this year I will come back to school after break, bleed out and faceplant on my blue carpet next to the djembe because they couldn't find a substitute to relieve me fast enough.

In any case, here are some not very inspired haikus about being sick, during The Great Ice Storm of Ought-Six, and not having any food I can suck down through a straw.

They're not funny, but neither is my mood.

I will die alone
My eyes, eaten by housecats
'Cause they got no food.

Tonsils--red, turgid
Are dripping with infection
Twin pillars of death

Got sent home today
Officially a leper
Just one sick day left

I think it's funny
How easily one can snore
When one's tonsils touch

If I die tonight
Don't let Rene see the Cuervo
that's in the pantry

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